Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Liu Bolin-the invisible man

This guy paints himself, ..... no trick photography he just paints himself.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How would you pronounce this child's name?

How would you pronounce this child's name?

She spells her name.....

So... how would YOU pronounce her name?

Leah? ..................NO.
Lee - A? ........... NOPE.
Lay - a? ............ NOT A CHANCE.
Lei?,,,,,,,,,,NICE TRY...BUT... GUESS AGAIN!

This child attends a school in Livingston Parish, LA.. Her mother is irate because everyone is getting her name wrong. She says it's pronounced.................
When the Mother was asked how in the world did she figured it should be pronounced that way....... she said....

..."cause the dash don't be silent!"

So, if you see a name come across your desk like this... please remember to pronounce the dash.

(credit: bbi)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

R' Laufer Menorah Lighting w/ Gov Cacciri

credit: RAK

ever wondered how RI snow plow drivers are so good at what they do? check out the (link) video


credit: RAK

Location Change Of Wedding….3 Hours Before!

October 15, 2009

4:00PM EST: YWN has just been contacted by a frantic family scheduled to make a wedding tonight (Thursday) in Ateres Shlomo Hall in Boro Park.

Their request was a strange one. Can YWN please notify as many people as possible about a location change for their Simcha - just three hours before their wedding!

The family was contacted by the hall at approximately 1:00PM Thursday, just hours before their scheduled Chupa, and advised that they are unable to make the wedding in the hall tonight. Although YWN has been unable to confirm exactly why the hall is unable to make a wedding tonight, but sources tell YWN that the Ateres Shlomo Hall (located at 7724 New Utrecht Ave) has been temporarily closed by the FDNY, which prompted them to contact the family.

Arrangements have just been made for the Chasunah to take place in the Ateres Chaya Hall (located at 1415 54th St) in Boro Park.

This is the wedding of Chani Kops to Shmuli Tevovitz
Kabolas Ponim 6:30PM
Chupa 7:30PM

Mazel Tov!

(Yehuda Drudgestein - YWN)

[credit: Mom]

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

this is a pretty good shtickle (what would u have done?)

Lottery hoax causes riot at Ohio coat store

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A woman being driven around in a rented limousine pulled up at a coat store and announced she'd won the lottery and would pay for everyone's purchases, police said, but she ended up causing a riot when customers realized it was a hoax.

Angry customers threw merchandise around and looted, leaving the store looking as though a hurricane had passed through it, police said.

Linda Brown was arrested Tuesday after an hours-long shopping spree that began when she hired a stretch Hummer limousine to drop her off at a Burlington Coat Factory store, police Sgt. Lt. Michael Deakins said. Brown walked to a cash register and loudly announced she had won the lottery and would pay for each person's merchandise up to $500, he said.

"Well, of course, people like to hear that," Deakins said. "Apparently they were in line calling relatives who were not at the store and told them to come."

People flooded the registers as cashiers began ringing up purchase after purchase, but Brown had not yet paid the bill, Deakins said. At least 500 people filled the aisles and another 1,000 were outside trying to get in, he said.

"She was telling people she won $1.5 million," Deakins said. "But it ends up she didn't win anything. She had no money to pay for anything."

About an hour later, Brown had the limousine driver take her to a bank to withdraw money, but she returned empty-handed, police Detective Steven Nace said. By then, store employees had called in two dozen police officers to handle the crowds.

Shopper Candace Jordan said she told Brown she didn't need clothes, she needed help paying her rent.

"And she said, 'How much is it?'" Jordan told WBNS-TV. "And she promptly wrote out a check."

By the time employees realized Brown didn't have any cash to pay, police said, she already had taken off in the limo.

That's when angry customers, realizing they weren't getting free coats, began throwing merchandise on the floor and grabbing clothes without paying for them, Nace said.

"Everybody was like, 'I still want my free stuff,' and that started the riot," he said. "It looks like (Hurricane) Katrina went through the store."

Police said they have no way of tracking down the customers who stole items and fled, but they're reviewing surveillance video.

When the limousine driver realized he wasn't going to be paid the $900 Brown owed him for the day's rental, he turned her in to police, Deakins said.

Brown, 44, was arrested on three outstanding warrants for aggravated menacing, misuse of a 911 system and causing false alarms. She was jailed late Wednesday, but no charges had been filed against her related to the coat store chaos pending a mental health evaluation.

Police said they didn't know if Brown had a lawyer. No telephone number was listed under her name, and no one answered repeated phone calls at the Franklin County Jail.

A spokeswoman for Burlington Coat Factory, which is based in Burlington, N.J., and has more than 300 stores across the country, said late Wednesday she couldn't comment on the incident.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

David Swain being charged for Murder

08:10 AM EDT on Thursday, October 8, 2009

Associated Press

TORTOLA, British Virgin Islands — A prosecutor opened the trial of a Rhode Island man on Wednesday by accusing him of killing his wife while scuba diving in the British Virgin Islands to pursue a romance with another woman.

The director of public prosecutions in this British territory, Terrence Williams, said that David Swain knew a divorce would ruin him financially and he believed money from his wife’s life insurance policy would help him win over his love interest.

“That dive was for this new woman,” Williams told the nine-person jury.

The 1999 drowning of Shelley Tyre, 46, was initially ruled an accident. But authorities in the British Virgin Islands later charged Swain with murder after a 2006 Rhode Island civil trial found him responsible. Federal U.S. agents arrested Swain at his Rhode Island dive shop in November 2007 and he was extradited to Tortola.

Swain maintains his innocence and his defense lawyer has said they will show the drowning was a “tragic accident.”

Williams said the evidence suggests Tyre’s dive gear was forced off in a struggle underwater. He said a strap was broken on her mask and the mouthpiece was detached from her snorkel, suggesting the use of “great force.”

Once her body surfaced, Williams said, Swain performed CPR only momentarily.

“This is what you would do for an ordinary person, a stranger diver. But this was no stranger, this was his wife,” said Williams, adding that Swain discouraged others from trying to revive his wife.

Swain, 53, faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted. The trial is expected to last several weeks.


credit: evil Robert

I hope they serve him cholov yisrael

Convicted Killer Switches to Judaism To Get Kosher Food

Wheaton, IL - Hoping to get better food, Brian Dugan changed religions after he was transferred to the DuPage County Jail to stand trial for the murder of 10-year-old Jeanine Nicarico.

Dugan switched his religious affiliation in jail records from agnostic to Orthodox Judaism, writing in a 2008 letter to a friend that he hoped the change would result in more filling kosher meals.

“I heard the kosher diet was better, so I switched my affiliation. Now I’m the only agnostic Jew in the jail,” Dugan wrote in the letter that was read Tuesday to jurors deciding whether Dugan should receive the death penalty for the 1983 murder of the Naperville girl.

DuPage County prosecutors seeking the death sentence for Dugan — who pleaded guilty in July to fatally bludgeoning Jeanine — are trying to portray him to jurors as manipulative and callous. Dugan already is serving life sentences for two other murders.

During testimony Tuesday, jail officers described how Dugan filed frequent grievances against everything from the poor quality of the paper in a copier used by inmates to the medication he received from a nurse for his hayfever.

An August shakedown of his jail cell also found Dugan had books and magazines he wasn’t supposed to have, including erotic novels and a book about fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter, said Maj. Don Knoll, a DuPage County sheriff’s officer.

In 2009, Dugan again changed diets, switching to vegetarian meals — even though his jailhouse nickname is “cheeseburger.”

In a grievance he filed in July, Dugan complained that diet lacked protein, writing “please ensure I receive a protein substitute.”

You can view this article online at VosIzNeias.com/39721

Bring on the good times...

Tootsie Roll, Gatorade To Get Major Kosher Certification

New York - Although there is yet to be a formal announcement, sources told KosherToday that Tootsie Roll and Gatorade will be the next icon food brands to acquire a major kosher symbol.

For kosher consumers, such news has become less frequent than in the 90’s and early 2000’s when many major brands made the move. They included Nabisco’s Oreos, Keebler, Entenmann’s and other national brands that kosher consumers had considered “forbidden fruits.” More recent members of the club include Topp’s Bazooka and Jelly Belly.

Tootsie Roll, a Chicago-based company, has grown to become one of the country's largest candy companies, with operations throughout North America and with distribution channels in more than 75 countries. Gatorade is a brand of flavored non-carbonated sports drinks manufactured by the Quaker Oats Company, now a division of PepsiCo.

Pepsi’s competitor PowerAde, owned by the Coca-Cola Co., has OU certification. Kosher sources explain that news of a major brand going kosher is rare these days “since most of them already have a major kosher symbol.” One certification agency told Kosher Today: “We are rapidly approaching the day when every major US food brand that can be kosher certified will be kosher.”

Ernie watches the moon explode

ya know it seems interesting to me that a lot of people did not now that NASA bombed the moon (twice) this past Friday to try to find water, but 4 those who knew (or i guess now know) check out this video!

(credit: The Cool Jew)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama imitator SNL

He doesn't have the voice but it's as funny as anything, check it out

credit to DSwizzle

Baltimore to Providence - empty suitcase?

I have a small empty suitcase in Pickwick that my roommates would like to return.
If anyone is driving from Baltimore to Providence (editor: or even flying!) and does not mind picking up the suitcase from Pickwick and bringing it back to Providence please let me know.
You can even pack in it!
It's small to medium sized, but probably wouldn't fit in an overhead bin and is on wheels.
(I do not remember even owning the described bag, but apparently it has my name on it)

Mrs. Moskowitz

Newton, MA - Kosher Faker Butcher Agrees to Pay $1,000 Fine

Newton, MA - Something wasn’t kosher at a Newton butcher shop.

Acting on a tip, investigators from Attorney General Martha Coakley’s Office learned that the Gordon & Alperin Butcher Shop was advertising “Kosher Meat” when the shop was no longer kosher certified.

Under a settlement agreement, Golbos Inc., operator of the Gordon and Alperin Butcher Shop, and its principal, Ricardo Bosich, agreed to pay a $1,000 fine to resolve allegations that they violated the Massachusetts Kosher Food Law.

Consumers who observe Orthodox Jewish dietary laws purchase foods processed by a shop that is under the supervision of one of various rabbinic authorities, which certify establishments as kosher.

Gordon & Alperin had previously been certified as kosher, but discontinued the supervision around September 2008. Still, they continued to represent on their storefront and their Web site that they were a kosher establishment.

In addition to the monetary payment, the defendants have agreed to refrain from advertising practices that mislead consumers into believing that its products are kosher unless the establishment is certified kosher.

Bosich, who cooperated with the attorney general’s investigation, has informed the attorney general’s office that the shop is now resuming kosher supervision.

Bosich, the owner, did not return a call seeking comment.


Yossi Szojchet's Wedding (updated)

The Wedding for haBachur hachashuv Yossi (Yosef Meir) Szojchet will be taking place this Thursday (10/15/09).

The Kabballos Panim is @ 6:30.

The Hall is Ateres Chaya Sura in Monsey.

The address is 106 S Madison Ave, Spring Valley, NY 10977‎ (credit to Manny)

Monday, October 12, 2009

MT to the Menchel's of Providence

There was 7 pounds of screaming male born to the Menchel's.
The shalom zachor will be this coming Friday night.
The Bris will be on Sunday in Providence Iy"H.
Please pass on this message!

Speeding ticket gone awry

Credit to Rabbi A Kahan (RAK)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Terror reaches Providence, RI

Pizza delivery driver terrorized

Police: Customer held gun to driver's head

Updated: Sunday, 11 Oct 2009, 12:28 AM EDT
Published : Sunday, 11 Oct 2009, 12:28 AM EDT

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) - Providence Police have arrested a man for assaulting a pizza delivery driver -- by holding a gun to his head.

Officers were called to an apartment at 22 Partridge Street, in an industrial building, after a delivery man for Campus Pizza called police, saying the resident had stuck a gun in his face, yelling at him to vacate the premises -- then proceeding to pay him $40 cash.

Police brought in a SWAT team, worried a shootout might ensue, but said the arrest happened peacefully. A search turned up the gun, hidden in an electrical panel. They've now arrested Joseph Izzo, 50, on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

(DMI: click on the title to this post to watch video)

credit to Rabbi A Kahan

Shlock Rock 31 No Limits

Shlock Rock 31 NO LIMITS is available for download starting Monday 10/12/08. The cost to download this album will be…drum roll please…whatever you want. That’s right, pay whatever you want. To download the album go to shlockrock.com.

Here is the information from Shlock Rock’s website:

Here is the 31st Shlock Rock Release! SHLOCK ROCK NO LIMITS

Lenny Solomon has written 12 original English songs and over 51 minutes of music for your listening pleasure! We love these songs so much we are offering you an amazing opportunity. YOU GET TO DECIDE HOW MUCH TO PAY! We call this “PAY WHAT YOU WANT!!!”

We Have Worked Very Hard and Really Want You To Have This Album!!!

After putting in your information you will receive a link to Download the Album!

Anyone paying $15 or more will also receive the CD version of the album shipped to them when it is released on December 3rd of this year! So Enjoy the Music!

copy & paste - http://shlockrock.com/nolimits/index.html (or click on the title of this post)

Credit to JMR

Yossi Schojchet's Wedding

The Wedding for haBachur hachashuv Yossi (Yosef Meir) Schojchet will be taking place this Thursday (10/15/09).

The Kabballos Panim is @ 6:30.

The Hall is Ateres Chaya Sura in Monsey.

It is a brand new hall so the address will be updated on the blog shortly.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ah yid or a goy?!

Credit to Rabbi A. Kahan

There was Twitter and now there's... Twitteleh

credit to MG

Teishvu k'ein taduru

There's nothing like a geshmak'e Hoshana Raba seudah

But there ain't nothin' like eating w/ WiFi in the Succah. This is mamash making the Succah like ur house :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Irish children told to bring loo roll to school to save costs

Pupils at a St John's girls' national school, in Carrigaline, in the southern county of Cork, were asked to bring their own supplies in one of the starkest examples yet of the death of Ireland's "Celtic Tiger" economy.

Catherine O'Neill, the school's principal, said, in a letter to parents: "From time to time we will request your daughter to bring in a toilet roll to her class teacher. These rolls will be specifically for your daughter's class and will be dispensed by the class teacher."

She said the measure had been taken in order to save money in the face of education funding cuts.

"We are endeavouring to trim down expenses and ensure we use our grants towards [educational needs]," she wrote.

Irish parents are already struggling to buy schoolbooks and uniforms in the face of a deep recession.


In order to prevent such situations from reaching New England please continue to Donate generously @ http://nercdonate.com/ (not a sponsored advertisement)

Rare (full) footage of RebShlomo's Hoshana Raba

(just click on title "Rare..." and it will take u straight there)

Fall Fashion

ur not 'gonna wanna' be walking around w/o one of these this fall so pick one up, and some of the more exquisite models come w/ a free pump (shown to the left of the boot)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ahhhhh! nothing like good ol' tap water

By Erika Hayasaki
Los Angeles Times / February 26, 2009

NEW YORK - Two teachers on their lunch break scanned a refrigerated shelf inside a Manhattan coffee shop lined with drink bottles: Naked Juice, Perrier, Smartwater, New York City tap water. "Tap water?" said Alison Szeli, 26, picking up the clear plastic bottle with orange letters: "Tap'd NY. Purified New York City Tap Water." She studied the description: "No glaciers were harmed in making this water." She compared prices: Smartwater cost $1.85. Tap'd NY was 35 cents less. Szeli and her co-worker went for tap, carrying the bottles to the cash register. "It's cheaper," Szeli said. "Water is all the same anyway. I just prefer to buy my own water in bottles." A few feet away, a scruffy-haired 29-year-old in jeans and a striped shirt delivered a shipment of Tap'd NY out of a rented Scion. Craig Zucker, founder of Tap'd NY, stopped unloading long enough to notice the two customers buying his brand. Zucker smiled. In the five months since he launched the company, he has proved his hunch: People are willing to pay for New York City tap water, and not just in monthly utility bills. "It doesn't require energy or pumping," Zucker said, "and it's so pure and clean." It is, after all, one of the nation's healthiest water supplies - so fresh that in 2007 the Environmental Protection Agency declared it did not need filtration. New York pizza and bagel makers have long credited local water as a special baking ingredient. It goes down soft, without hints of tart-tasting minerals or chlorine as the water of some other public systems have. The water comes from a system of 19 reservoirs and three lakes in upstate New York - some flowing to the city from as far as 125 miles away. Most of the supply is protected and filtered by the natural processes of upstate ecosystems. It dissolves natural minerals while traveling over land or through the ground. Michael Saucier, a spokesman for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, notes that New York City's water beat 150 other municipal water systems in New York state in a taste test last summer. But how was a New Yorker able to enjoy that fresh taste when out of the house? As Zucker explained, "There aren't necessarily fountains or places to get clean water on every street in New York." The solution was simple. Especially to a man who has always kept about 20 business ideas in a drawer. In college, at Miami University in Ohio, Zucker started a discount card company, pitching local businesses to give students bargains. He made revenue from advertisers that paid for space on his discount cards, and from college bookstores that bought the cards and gave them as loyalty gifts to customers. He sold the business at 22 for what he said was a "great profit," and moved to New York, where he launched a toy and gift wholesaling company, selling 1 million name bracelets. In 2004, he bought The Hampton's Honey Co., a farm stand brand that he expanded. It was his introduction to the growing local food movement, in which consumers support farmer's markets and neighborhood breweries, keeping money in the state. The honey became a top-selling brand in Whole Foods in the New York region. One night in 2007, over a restaurant dinner with cold glasses of tap water, Zucker and a friend discussed New York water and why it's so good. He noticed many New York restaurants also had started serving tap water. Meanwhile, in Berkeley, Calif., a high-end restaurant, Chez Panisse, had banned bottled water, while city governments in Seattle and San Francisco ordered municipal offices to stop buying it. That's when it hit him. "Somebody should be bottling New York water," he said. Zucker sold his honey company and used the income, along with investments from friends and family, to launch Tap'd NY in October 2008. To bottle the water, Zucker and his business partner, Jon Flax, 26, who was recruited from Craigslist, pump the water together from a main in a Brooklyn warehouse they rent. Their water bill costs about $2 for every 748 gallons. They fill up a 5,300-gallon leased tanker truck, hiring a driver to transport the water 12 miles across the river to New Jersey to be bottled. Studies, including one by the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco, have found that most bottled water sold in stores is essentially tap water extracted from aquifers, lakes, and springs. Like other bottled water companies, Tap'd NY treats its water through a filtration process to cut down on unnatural colors or tastes that chlorine and other substances in pipes may have left behind. So far, they have sold 50,000 bottles and 75 New York businesses have signed on.
© Copyright 2009 Globe Newspaper Company.

Obama T-Pain Duet

Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Heter of Cholov Stam Revisited

By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer

Rabbinic Coordinator, Orthodox Union

Halacha states that milk which is produced without hashgacha (r’iyah of a Yisroel) is non-kosher; such milk is termed “cholov akum”. This rule is a gezeirah, lest milk from non-kosher

A Gut Yohr

credit to Rabbi A. Kahan

Succos Video by Sam Glaser

This Video made special for Succos by Sam Glaser (the brother of Yom Tov Glaser from Aish) has been a very big hit in NERC for the past two years and I have decided to share it with the public. Hope you enjoy.

new singer on the horizon